Thursday 18 September 2014

Getting the Perfect Shot - Baby photography

There’s something to be said for quickly pulling out your camera as your baby lounges around the house in the hopes of catching that perfect photo. But when it comes to baby photography, having specific “angles” in your head before you pull out the camera increases your chances of walking away with a handful of amazing photos instead of just one decent shot.

Standing up straight and shooting downwards is one of the biggest mistakes made in newborn and baby photography; unless the baby is on the floor, this rarely results in that stunning overhead you’re after. It is an especially awkward angle for photographing a baby lying in a crib, nestled in a boppy pillow or snuggling in an adult’s lap.

So what’s the answer? Get down on their level, either squatting, on your knees or even lying on the floor. While it takes some time to work out the kinks in your camera's focus from this new vantage point, it results in the most natural newborn baby photography. When you’re looking for an overhead shot, a step stool, chair or similar solid surface does wonders, raising you just high enough above the crib, sofa or other surface to achieve a decent composition that doesn't place your baby at an awkward angle.

With these ideas in mind, your impromptu photo sessions will produce cherished mementos!

More tips on newborn baby photography

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Candid pics of your kid

All parents love to take pics of their kids. Creating a picture journal of your kid is the best way to record time and events. Everyday moments, events, or even some that may embarrass your kids when they grow up.

This blog attempts to help parents get the best of their camera, whether its a cell phone, a point and shoot or a DSLR. We also welcome you to comment and give us their ideas if you feel it may help other parents.